Monday, September 1, 2014

Day before surgery

   I decided it might be helpful to blog about my bunionectomy experience since it seems to be one of those procedures where some people tell you it hurts like hell and they would never do it again and other people say "meh, it was fine". I found reading other people's blogs about their surgery experiences to be very helpful. 

   I will be undergoing a bunionectomy surgery known as the Chevron procedure. I have moderate bilateral bunions. I am having surgery only on my left foot right now as I do not want to be in two boots! After surgery I am expected to be in a surgical boot for 6-8 weeks while my foot heels. Essentially the surgeon is fracturing the foot in order to fix the problem so think of it as a healing fracture. Normally you would have a cast so I think it's not a bad deal:) 

   I did a lot of shopping before hand (food, supplies, etc.) so that when I come back from surgery I can have everything within arm's reach. I also bought some medium sized trash bags to tape over my booted leg so I don't get it wet with baths. 

   Here is a before picture of both of my feet. I've had bunions since grade school. I am 28 years old and am a nurse in a hospital. My feet are always sore at the end of the day, particularly around my bunions. One thing I have been thinking about especially this past week is how nervous I seem to have gotten. I feel silly because I am a nurse so I'm around this stuff all the time. But I've never had a surgery before and I have to admit I am scared! I'm also kind of sad about my foot changing. I know the bunion is a deformity and a pain in my butt but I'm so used to seeing my feet like this. It will be weird when it's straight...


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