Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 4 - First Bath!

   I have been using my Percocet consistently and the pain has been pretty well controlled. I wouldn't say that I am ever pain free but it is manageable. When my foot swells the boot starts to put pressure on the edges of my foot, causing quite a bit of pain. Icing has really helped. I ice it every 1-2 hours while I am awake. Thank goodness my husband has been nice enough to run to the fridge every time I want to ice my foot. My husband found these really great ice/heat packs from Target. Here is a picture below.   

   Walking is a little painful, but it feels so good to get up! However, every time I walk, afterwards I do have pain. So I make sure to ice after every walking session. I think the most unpleasant thing for me right now is sleeping. I have to sleep with my leg propped up on 2-3 pillows and I can't sleep on my sides. I am a major side-sleeper. So it's been tough. Good news is the pain meds knock me out so well I don't usually get up at all during the night. 

One thing I am so glad I bought is this armchair pillow.

So comfortable and versatile. Especially laying in bed a lot. It is way more comfy than regular pillows. The arm rests allow me to work on my laptop more comfortably. It also has more support than pillows. I got one at Target for about $20. 

   I've never been so excited about bathing. I've also never taken so long to bathe. I made my makeshift boot cover with my trashbag and medical supply tape and it worked really well. I set my foot outside the tub on top of a laundry basket. I would recommend switching your shower head to the kind that you can retract into a handheld device. 

   Each day is a little better than the last. I'm surprised how manageable the pain has become after 4 days post-op. I hope that my pain is under control by the time the pills run out. Will have to cross that bridge when I get there. 

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