Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week 4

   The healing process has really progressed in the last couple of weeks. I was very pleased when I had my dressings removed at the doctor's office. My doctor said my xrays look great (they take them at each appointment) and my foot is progressing as it should. I do not have any swelling unless I keep my foot down for very long periods of time (hours) without propping it up.
   I was itching to start exercising my foot and I had tried a few small things I read about online. My doctor gave me some exercises and advice about what I can and cannot do. I am bending my toe forwards for 10 sec. and then backwards for 10 sec. about 10 times. I do this in the morning, afternoon, and evening. That has really helped increase flexibility in my joint. When I first tried sleeping without the boot during week 3 my toe was so stiff and sensitive that just having a light blanket over it was too much tension. After doing these exercises this week I don't have any problems sleeping without the boot. Major relief! I'm so tired of sleeping on my back! I don't elevate my foot during sleep anymore as the doctor said I only need to elevate it at night if I have problems with swelling. I do elevate it when I am sitting. 

    I was very excited to see that my big toe and my second toe are a bit closer together! My foot had a "live long and prosper" kinda look going on at my second visit. The incision is looking great. At the recommendation of a podiatric surgeon I read from another bunion blog (we should have a support group:p) I have started to massage the site of the ex'd out bunion. The recommendation was to massage in small circles to help break up scar tissue. I don't have much of a bump where the bunion used to be but I figure it's good to do nevertheless. I also do a light massage over the incision with my middle and index finger in which I do a typing motion with medium pressure. It actually just feels good if nothing else! I don't want to disturb the site too much. My doctor also gave me permission to take a shower! Yipee!! I cannot soak the incision but it's ok to get wet. He said not to pick at the steri-strips, just to let them fall off on their own. 

   This is my foot at week 5. You can see that my big toe and second toe have shifted a little closer to each other. While I was relieved at first to have them shifting closer to each other, now I'm concerned that they are too close! So I'm surfing amazon to get some toe spacers to wear at night. I plan to ask my doc about it at my 6 week check up.

   I want to talk about peeling and shedding. LOTS of peeling and shedding. Yes it's gross but it's going to happen. Hadn't washed my foot for 4 weeks so the dead skin just had no place to go. When I finally took my first shower I took a wash cloth to my dry scaly foot and started scrubbing. Oh and I also recommend taking the boot off during the first couple weeks and scrubbing your calf because that same peeling and shedding process will happen to your leg as well. I like to keep my boot clean since I have to wear it for so long. Below are some close up pictures of the dry scaly foot (even if I lotion it after the shower it gets this way). Also a closer look at the incision. My doc said there is a binding/protective agent or something of the sort covering the incision so the dark line you see is not the actual scar. 

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