The "no" is to prevent accidental surgery on wrong foot:D, not a tattoo |
However I do have some major toe swelling as you can see above. I am taking Norco this time instead of Percocet, which I like a lot better because I don't get a nauseated. I am taking it about every 5-6 hours while awake. I haven't gotten up much, just to use the bathroom and grab food. I've been icing my foot as much as possible. It's a lot easier this time around since I already know what to expect.

I wasn't sure I would even bother about blogging this foot but I
thought it might be a good idea in case anything is different this time around. To prep for this surgery I did the same things as in my first blog posts. However, this time I did get a shower with a removable handle and an actual shower seat. Worth the splurge, let me tell you. Getting down into a tub with your boot sticking out really tests your core ab abilities. After laying in bed for a week, you won't have great abs anymore. Or like me, you never did in the first place.
I am really restless this time around. I would definitely be going out of the house today if sheer pain didn't stop me.