Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 12

   I have spent a lot of time looking for wide-fitting shoes with arch support...this is no easy task. Wide shoes are just ridiculously hard to find. When I do find a wide shoe, it is often just plain ugly. I have bought and returned probably half a dozen shoes in the past 4 weeks. The shoe will fit ok in the store and then I'll walk around for a day and realize it's just too tight! I think that as the swelling improves more shoes will fit.
   I am determined to keep my feet in good shape and follow the advice of my orthopedic surgeon. But man, it is making my shoe-buying experience stressful. DSW had one pair of saucony shoes that were a wide in my size so I snatched those babies up. I also bought some flip flops from the walking company that have a medium arch. My orthopedic surgeon said flip flops are a no-no but how can I live in Arizona and not have flip flops! He also said not to walk around the house with bare feet because that also contributes to bunion formation since my arches just collapse and it puts a lot of stress on my feet.
   If I had known the mechanics behind my bunion formation I would have maybe just gone with orthotics to prevent my bunions from getting any worse. But now I've already done my left foot so I'm contemplating whether or not to do the right foot. These past 12 weeks have been hard. Feet just don't heel as quickly because of gravity and because they have to carry all of my body weight everywhere!
   Oh I wanted to provide an update on that nerve pain I was talking about in week 5. So it is still there, just between my big toe and second toe base. The nerve has continued to heel and the pain has decreased a lot, which I am very happy about. The numbness on the left side of my big toe and right side of my second toe and on top of my scar is still there and will probably always be there.
Here are my feet at week 12:

I have been using a toe spacer called Visco-Gel. It is very comfortable! I got it on Amazon for less than $10. I have also been using pedicure toe separators at night to help stretch out my toes after a long day in shoes. No matter what shoes I wear they always push my toes together a little bit so it feels good to separate them for awhile.

   From the above pictures you can also see that the scar is improving. The ScarGuard is great. The only issue I have with it is that it peels off sometimes and doesn't last the whole day.

Week 7 and 8

   I was unable to make my 6 week appointment so I got to wear my beautiful boot for an extra week! I've been continuing to stretch my big toe both passively (using my hand) and actively. There is a lot of stiffness in it and it definitely is sore when I exercise it. Sleeping without the boot feels wonderful! My toe isn't so sensitive anymore so the sheets and blanket don't bother me.
  At my week 7 appointment I was given the go ahead by my doctor to start weening off the boot. First for an hour a day and then increase an hour each day. I did this for a week and then completely took off the boot week 8. My foot is somewhat sore when I walk but it feels so good to walk normally. Because of the muscle atrophy in my calf and foot it feels like my leg is going to give out when I walk on it so I'm limping a little bit. I tried standing on my tip toes to test myself and was unable to do so with my left foot, too much pain and stiffness. My foot does swell mildly so I have had trouble finding any new shoes that fit. The surgery increased my shoe size from an 8.5 to a 9.
   I am trying to find shoes that have arch support as my doctor said the biggest reason I have bunions is from flat feet. I have been on the hunt for shoes that will support my foot and prevent pronating. With all the swelling, I've been unable to find a dress shoe for work. I'm limited to sneakers and sandals right now.


Did a bit of research to find the best scar minimizing solution. I've been applying this solution twice a day and am supposed to continue for 3-4 months. Will continue to post pictures and see if it really helps!

I was hoping that I wouldn't have any trace of a bunion on my left foot but as you can see from the pictures above, there is still a bump there. Not only that but my big toe has shifted over quite a bit, which I also don't like. From the many other blogs I have read, a lot of people have the same results. My doctor told me he left a slight bend in the toe so that it wouldn't be stick straight and then none of my shoes would fit. Makes sense so I'm ok with it.